I just registered for thing-a-day 2009, the challenge to create one new “thing” every day for the month of February and post it on the site. The concept grew out of an assignment from a class taught by Ze Frank at NYU early in the millenium that was resurrected by some of the students in the class in 2007. Neil just reminded me, so I can sign up on time for once.
I can’t quite tell what counts as a “thing” since the site is more or less down right now. Anyone know the rules? So far, I am stock-piling ideas including food, sake, beer, infused booze, photos, videos, animation, book arts projects (I’m taking a class), silkscreen t-shirts, drawings, a crossword puzzle, furniture, picture frames, a party, a case for my new netbook (grey flannel maybe), a bacon-porn website, a shiny wood-veneer shell for my netbook, a coat rack, a bomb (just kidding), and trouble (does making trouble count?).
You can find my posts by clicking Quinn on the Participants page or just by clicking my linked name on this line.
What else should I make?
Only if trouble is a thing.
And no, I do not prove that to be true.
Anything is a thing – I forget the exact rules, but I made some random doodles and other silly things last year. Check out my flickr stuff tagged from last year: