I’m fascinated with the modular Sonobe origami forms and their potential application in lighting design. I’ve been toying with a variety of designs ranging from a simple votive-type light, up through elaborate chandeliers.
Most recently, I built this “solar nightlight†prototype. It’s not as counter-intuitive as it sounds.
A solar panel charges a battery pack attached to a light inside the Mylar shade. In the light, the solar panel charges the battery, and works as a sensor, so that when it’s dark, the light turns on. It’s a super-green piece because it uses a renewable energy source, it uses energy intuitively, since it only turns on in the dark, and uses LEDs, which are vastly more energy efficient than incandescent bulbs.
Seriously a great idea; I think making a chandelier would be fantastic.
Wow, this is really cool. It reminds me that I have a half finished solar electronics/sculpture project sitting in my basement. I really should get to work on that, as I was going to give it to a friend in exchange for the Captain Underpants book she gave me!
Neil, you have a basement? I didn’t think anyone in San Francisco had basements. I miss having one, really.