As I’ve mentioned, frying any filled pasta with a parmesan crust is a great way to elevate any humble lump of dough. For Sweet Potato Gnocchi, it becomes a whole new dish.
1/2 cup finely grated parmesan or other hard cheese
salt and pepper to taste
unsalted butter
1 batch Sweet Potato Gnocchi
1. Place cheese, salt and pepper in a bowl with tight fitting lid and shake to mix.
2. Combine 1 tablespoon butter and a 1/4 teaspoon of sage in a sauté pan over high heat.
3. In batches, toss a dozen or twenty damp gnocchi in the cheese mixture until coated.
4. As the butter begins to brown, add the batch of gnocchi, shaking the pan constantly and loosening with a spatula if they begin to stick. Flip as needed and remove from pan as soon a both sides have browned.
5. Pour any remaining butter over the gnocchi and serve immediately.
6. Repeat steps 2 through 6 until all gnocchi have reached enlightenment.
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