
Taste of Swine T-Shirts (thanks to Karl @

Food Porn!  All I’ve heard about for the past year are the sinful delights of pork and it’s many unconventional uses, so of course everyone seems to be calling bacon “soooo last year,” but if bacon can be wrong, then Baby, I don’t want to be right!

Always ahead of the culinary curve, I’ve been making bacon fat ginger snaps for years (OK, and all of Sweden has been making them for hundreds of years).  I’m a good little environmentalist, saving my drippings in a can to use in cooking and I’m a big fan of wrapping wholesome foods in bacon and grilling them.

My only fear is the looming threat of bacon fatigue, so I’m testing your endurance. Here’s a dozen links to bacon-related art, products, events, and other plural nouns.

I’m exhausted and this is only a drop in the bucket.  I can’t do it all in one little post, and I don’t want you all to burn out on sheer porcine glory all at once.  I might need to launch my own bacon porn site!

Note: The title is a joke in poor taste that only the web-savvy and perverse would get immediately, but pr0n is a term for adult material that aficionados use to circumvent filters which weed out things containing the word p-o-r-n, so they juxtapose the interior letters and replace the o with the numeral zero.  I’ve done the same, but with pork. Get it?

5 thoughts on “pr0k

  1. Your mom reads your blog now so I can’t begin to explain to you the euphoric physical reaction I had to this post.

    Mmmmmmm bacon fat.

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