The most amusing booth at the Fancy Food Show and the most disturbing news item of the day involve tacos, and leave me with two questions for you.

Lucky Taco is the Mexican equivalent of a fortune cookie. That is to say, it’s as Mexican as a fortune cookie (invented in San Francisco) is Chinese. Fruit favored cookie wafers folded over a fortune, they taste like my memories of Fruit Loops. We’ll do an SAT-style analogy, because just looking at the picture below would be too easy “cookie wafer : fortune :: tortilla : meat and cheese” There, get it? If not, look at the picture. It’s really just a fruity fortune cookie with one less fold. Here’s another analogy regarding technical complexity, “fortune cookie : origami :: Lucky Taco : folding a piece of paper in half.” I hope this clarifies everything for you.
According to his local Fox Affiliate, This smug little SOB brat hit his mother in the face with a taco while she cleaned the kitchen because she unplugged his video game after repeatedly calling him to dinner, which she had graciously prepared, while the boy wasted his life in his room rather than getting a job or going to school.
Question 1: Would you welcome a Lucky Taco at the end of a Mexican meal, if your server dropped off the check with a colorful cookie?
Question 2: Are you reconsidering the validity of corporal punishment, because I sure am. Somebody needs a good caning.
I definitely had those fortune cookie tacos at pink taco in Vegas. Pink Taco = yum, fortune taco = icky.