Election Night Party at YBCA

The contemporary art center where I work (doing visual arts education and public events) is throwing the mother of all election night parties (or so we hope)!  I’m working on building a video testimonial booth (like a photo-booth, but video) and setting up blank banners for people express all their election night angst, joy and other emotions upon in words and images.  They wanted me to do on-site t-shirt silkscreening again, but I didn’t get enough notice.

I hope you will be there.

  • Where: Yerba Buena Center for the Arts
  • 701 Mission Street (at 3rd St.), San Francisco, CA
  • When: Tuesday November 4, 2008 6:00-10:00
  • Why:  It’s election night, and we need to be together, to either celebrate or to start planning the revolution.

[kyte.tv appKey=MarbachViewerEmbedded&uri=channels/87046&embedId=49331373&premium=false&height=445&width=425] That’s my department director in the video.

Calling all Obamaphiles and McCaniacs, hockey-moms and Joe Six-packs, Democrats and Republicans, Independents and Undecideds! On November 4, votes will be cast and the longest presidential campaign in American history will finally be over. This historic election will usher in a new day in America and it will be time to set aside our differences, reach across the aisle, join hands in solidarity, bury the hatchet, raise a glass and PARTY LIKE IT’S 1999!

YBCA invites all artists, art lovers and artistic citizens of San Francisco to join us Tue, Nov 4 from 6–9 pm for up-to-the-minute election coverage, music, performances and FREE PIZZA WHEN THE POLLS CLOSE!

You can also write on the walls, tell us what you think the world will look like in four years, help us create a time capsule to commemorate this historic event and MAKE YOUR VOICE HEARD!

But the best part, my friends, is that in this time of economic uncertainty—IT’S FREE! (But there will be a surcharge for all adult beverages.)

Don’t spend election night at home alone, biting your nails and wringing your hands! Join us and help spread the word about THE HOTTEST ELECTION NIGHT PARTY IN TOWN!

Featured Artists: Hella Hella Acapella with Lara Maykovich, Maya Dorm, Nichole Rodriguez, Marissa Greene and Madeleina Bolduc; Sri Satya Ritual Movement with Micah Allison, Isis, Indriya and Nikilah Badua; Anahata Sound; Derick Ion and the Satya Yuga Collective; Dancing the Dead Dharma (Sara Shelton Mann and Dance Brigade); Alleluia Panis and Dwayne Calizo; Anna Halprin; DJ Wey South; DJ Aztec Parrot with YBCA Young Artists at Work; rigzen; Maji; Sara Shelton Mann; Dance Brigade; Bruce Ghent; Rajendra Serber; Sonya Smith; Kira Maria Kirsch; Folawole Oyinlola; Lena Gatchalian; Sarah Bush; Hana Erdman; Karen Elliot; Richelle Donigan; Kimberly Valmore; Krissy Keefer and D. Scot Miller.

2 thoughts on “Election Night Party at YBCA

  1. i hope i actually get off work in time. :/ i’m out in san mateo, so ybca’s a trek. i’m sure the turn-out will be huge… party or revolution-planning? i hope a party!

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