I have business cards from the art college and the contemporary art center, but I don’t have any with personal info or for the myriad other things I do. I toyed with the idea of listing everything I do on one card, since I joke that I have at least five jobs at all times, but really I think it’s better to keep it simple for now.
The first run is going to be a one-color letterpress job. Mandate Press is running a great special on letterpress business cards that can’t be beat if you want a simple black design on white stock that is relief-printed so that the inked portion is embossed. After that I am going to work with a local letterpress printer to get something more exotic and exciting, particularly, I’d like to create a card printed inklessly to leave an impression (see example i. below).
This morning, not knowing what I was working on, my psychic friend Janna sent me the link to The 75 Hottest Business Cards page, which spurred some creativity and led me to Faveup and then on to crazyleafdesign.
Here are a few ideas I have been playing with, but I am not attached, so either vote for your favorite or make a suggestion.
For d., e., and f., I’m thinking it would be easy enough to grab cyan and magenta highlighters to fill in the lenses. c. is just there for reference to help you imagine the other three as having 3-D lenses. Too creepy?
i. is the concept to be explored at a later date, with all of the job titles and the non-url part of the address done as an inkless impression, so they will be legibly embossed, but not inked, inking only my name, phone number and website.
I really like the CrazyLeaf cards. You couldn’t put them in your wallet, but they sure would make an impression.
C through F remind me of my friends’ (dramatic) website for their web design company: http://www.modernriot.com. Also, they remind me of Star Wars. (Maybe that’s the point?)
My favorite is i.