I was too busy making t-shirts to eat anything at BaconCamp, so I don’t feel bad for turning back to my sizzling mistress as quickly as Monday night. I’m in he midst of a major apartment overhaul and decided I needed a supper break. Sitting in my fridge was a half-pound of bacon, a bunch of asparagus and a round of goat cheese. I grabbed a bottle of wine and got to work.
I ended up in a bed of red cabbage topped with an egg over medium-easy and bacon-wrapped asparagus with a chèvre sauce (I poured off the bacon fat, deglazed the pan with a couple splashes of Pinot Grigio and stirred in about an ounce of goat cheese).
Sorry about the grainy photo. I’m cleaning, so I have no idea where anything is, including both of my cameras.
Breakfast for dinner should be mandatory.