
3424718973_0a965af4cb_oI am tired of hearing people say they are, “going to cheers,” when a round of drinks is delivered. That involves a trip to Boston, as far as I am concerned, and I’m not sure how it has come to the point that I hear “to cheers” used in place of “to toast” more than I hear toast used as a verb.

  • toast: verb [trans.] drink to the health or in honor of (someone or something) by raising one’s glass together with others : he toasted his family’s health.
  • cheer: verb [intrans.] shout for joy or in praise: he cheered from the sidelines.
  • cheers: Not a verb! You cannot cheers someone. The phrases, “let’s cheers,” or “we should cheers to him” should never be uttered. Cheers is an informal exclamation, expressing good wishes, in particular before drinking, not the action of toasting: “Cheers,” he said, raising his glass.

::end of rant::

4 thoughts on “Cheers!

  1. Ha. The things that drive you batty. . . .
    (Can I add how I hate people who aren’t British (or Australian) adding “Cheers” to the end of their emails?)

  2. Do people actually say that? I just usually hold up my glass and say “cheers”. Is that acceptable.

    If not…bite me <3

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